With everything going on in the world lately, I think that we all could use a little bit more compassion in our lives. This week, I had an in-person class at UNBC, and as we walked through the education wing, we saw all the things that the previous class had created on all bulletin boards. Seeing all these crafts made me sad that my cohort won’t have these same ‘in-person’ experiences with the current online classes due to covid-19 and its restrictions. Additionally, many of us have experienced illness or heartbreak due to the sickness.

In this past year, so many of our experiences have been altered and it has thrown all of us for a loop. Due to all these recent changes, I am struggling as a student, I’m sure my teachers are also adapting to this new online ‘normal’. In my practicum, some children are also struggling with the uncertainty and new restrictions. Everyone needs more understanding and empathy in these times. We are all adjusting and learning.

There is so much going on in the world that is unpredictable and out of our control. This situation means that my school and practicum experiences will also be different than in previous years. Things might take longer to set up, teachers might be wary of someone outside their class, and students might be stressed about another change to their learning environment. Going into these experiences I want to practice both patience and empathy.

I believe in trying to keep this positive outlook that it will help make these experiences as meaningful and constructive as possible. It is not anyone’s fault that we are all wary and tired. Building relationships in classes and practicum might take longer, but they are still just as important to me. In getting the most of these new experiences, I need compassion.

I am also hoping that in practicing this compassion and understanding, that it will lead to a new peace in my heart. With my ongoing struggle with anxiety, I often get restless and anxious about situations out of my control. Sometimes I can be hard on myself when I can’t get everything done and I expect myself to be superwoman. Learning to better accept situations and empathize with others or myself will hopefully ease my stress and calm my soul.

I would like to believe that this strategy will also be useful to me as a future educator. There will always be a bit of chaos and unknown situations as an elementary teacher. Learning to not overthink these experiences and have compassion for myself or others when things go wrong will be important to not overwhelming myself. Burnout is real and dangerous. Anyway that I can keep my head above water will be needed.

Throughout this next year, I hope that compassion will be my superpower. Bring on this semester and its experiences!