For my course on pedagogy and curriculum, we were asked to design a project to show our learning throughout the semester. I chose to exemplify my learning through the mind map that you see here. I really enjoyed this project, and it was very eye-opening to reflect on how inspired I have been by some of the amazing readings and lessons we had this block.

As you can see, the first section I chose to talk about was my own strengths. These are the aspects of the semester that really resonated with me and why I wanted to go into teaching. At the beginning of the semester, we were asked to really think about why we want to go into teaching. For me, I have made this choice because I want to impact students the way some of my best teachers growing up influenced me. As I have stated before in this blog, I struggled with math until I had a teacher who greatly helped me understand that there are multiple ways to get to the same answer. I want to provide learners with these various tools which can help different students access and understand their subject material. Creating this inclusive learning environment is what drove me towards teaching, and after this block, my beliefs and pedagogy have only been further cemented inside me. As a student who sometimes struggled in school, I strive to make education a welcoming and safe space for all learners. I believe that this is not only important for student’s success, but also in creating better future citizens as well.

After going through this semester, I realized that my empathy and my compassion could be one of my greatest superpowers in this profession. Over and over again in our discussions and readings this semester we were told how important relationships are. As an educator, you cannot best teach your students without knowing them first. This approach is a huge theme within inclusive and differentiated learning. Before entering the program, I thought that these qualities of mine might my hinder me because I would over invest emotionally. After reading some amazing words from some profound scholars, I know that authentic relationships will be a strength for me.

In this course, along with multiple others (such as EDUC 390 and 393) we as a cohort have learned the importance of personal pedagogy in teaching. In all of these instances, Parker Palmer has been brought up to touch on this importance of being yourself and being vulnerable. I am grateful for this overlap and reaffirmation of teacher identity and it’s importance to creating lasting relationships with your students. If it is one thing that all my courses have stressed this semester it is how important connection and relationships will be in this profession. For me, I also connect this knowledge to the Indigenous perspective we have mainly learned about in EDUC 446 which provided a wholistic approach of how everything is connected. This point of view further explained this important aspect of relationships. Interconnection is important whether its between colleagues, teachers and students or teachers and administrators. These relationships can foster strength, support and even better learning environments. It will be all about finding a balance between making connections and being sensitive to myself.

This second section was for my ‘ah ha’ moments. The moments when I sat back in my seat, took a deep breath, and knew that teaching was where I am supposed to be. These quotes are from readings and discussions that truly inspired me and resonated with my personal pedagogy. In both these last two sections, there are heartwarming and insightful quotes from Elder, Marcel Gagnon. Throughout this opportunity in EDUC 394 the discussion with Marcel was able to reaffirm my learning in our courses on Indigenous knowledge and perspectives. Education will be how we move forward as a community because this knowledge helps create perception and increase empathy. Marcel’s words are humbling to me, while also showing the extreme importance of having Indigenous knowledge and perspective in our classrooms; it is how we will heal and create understanding.


This last little bubble is dedicated to my ‘so what’ thinking. I have taken the knowledge I have gained from the other parts of my poster and thought about what it means to me as a future educator. These points of inquiry are assuring me that I have more to learn and discover throughout the program. I do have some questions and concerns, but I am also confident that they will be elaborated on and answered in future blocks.

This project led me to my guiding question for my future learning: how can I be the best educator I can be? To me, that means I should always keep learning and evolving; I need to try my best consider all teaching options and approaches. In preparing to be the best teacher I can be, it means taking these key points I mentioned in my map and learning how to implement them in my practice. Upon reflection, I have noticed that this activity helped confirm how important diversity and inclusion is to me as a future educator.

I am excited and inspired, bring on next semester!



Gagnon, Marcel. (2020, Dec 4). Insights into Education and Teaching. [Guest Speaker in Education 394: Pedagogy, Curriculum, and Teaching]. Zoom Meeting, UNBC’s Education Program, British Columbia, Canada.

Kohn, A. (1999, March). From Degrading to De-Grading. High School Magazine.

Palmer, P. (1997). The Heart of a Teacher: Identity and Integrity in Teaching. The Courage to Teach, excerpts from the Introduction, Chapter One and Five, Jossey-Bass Publishers.

TED. (2013, May 3). Every Kid Needs a Champion | Rita Pierson. [Video]. YouTube

TEDx Talks (2016, Mar 2). Want to Bring Out the Best in People? Start with Strengths | Chris Wejr. [Video]. YouTube


Want a better look at my project? Click Here: EDUC 394 IGNITE Final Project and Write Up.